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LTTC主辦2017 AALA、AFELTA,與外語評量、教育專家學者交流

LTTC於 6 月 21 至 23 日主辦「亞洲語言測驗協會(AALA) 國際研討會」與 6 月 24 至 25 日「亞洲英語語言測試學術論壇」(AFELTA),共計有來自近 20 國研究人員、200 餘人與會。 很高興能藉由本次會議與國內外外語專家學者互相交流、汲取新知,也很榮幸能將國內的研究成果和研發經驗與國際分享!更多活動報導資訊,請見 LTTC官網 。                      AFELTA與會者合影

獲澳門大學邀請,於Assessing World Languages Conference 提供專題演講

講題: Implementing second foreign language learning outcomes assessment – A collaborative approach. 很高興能有機會和來自世界各地的專家學者,以及澳門大學的師生交流,收穫良多。

The relationships between test performance and students’ perceptions of learning motivation, test value, and test anxiety in the context of the English benchmark requirement for graduation in Taiwan’s universities.

本篇與 Matt Chia-Lung Lee合著,刊載於 Language Testing in Asia 第7卷第9期。 Wu, J., & Lee, M. C. L. (2017). The relationships between test performance and students’ perceptions of learning motivation, test value, and test anxiety in the context of the English benchmark requirement for graduation in Taiwan’s universities. Language Testing in Asia , 7 (1), 9. Abstract Backgound : Having been influenced by the trend of internationalization of higher education, most universities in Taiwan have implemented an English benchmark requirement for graduation, which requires students to demonstrate their English ability at a specified Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level through taking a standardized English language test (e.g., GEPT, IELTS, TOEFL iBT). This practice has been increasingly criticized for failing to achieve its intended goals of enhancing students’ English language proficiency and increasing students’ career mobility. Therefore, there is an urgent need t

A socio-cognitive approach to assessing speaking and writing: the GEPT experience.

本文刊載於 JLTA (Japan Language Testing Association) 期刊第19期。 Wu, J. (2016). A socio-cognitive approach to assessing speaking and writing: the GEPT experience. JLTA (Japan Language Testing Association) Journal , 19, 3-11. Abstract The General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) is a 5-1evel, criterion-referenced EFL testing system implemented in Taiwan to assess the general English proficiency of EFL learners at all levels. The GEPT was designed as a skills-based test battery assessing both receptive(listening and reading) and productive (speaking and writing) skills. Since its first administration in 2000, the GEPT has been taken by more than 6.5 million learners, and has become the largest-scale standardized English test in Taiwan. In the wake of the introduction of productive skills to the university entrance examinations system in Japan, this talk aims to share the GEPT experience. Several key issues about speaking and writing tests will be presented in relation to the socio-cognit


本文刊載於《英語教學期刊》( English Teaching & Learning )第40卷第3期。 Lee, C. & Wu, J. (2016). An Exploratory study on the relationships among student attitude towards the English graduation benchmark policy, learning motivation, test anxiety, and test performance. English Teaching & Learning , 40, 3, (Fall 2016), 61-86. 探究大學英語能力畢業門檻與學習動機、測驗焦慮、測驗表現之關係(THCI Core) 摘要 教育部從民國 94 年開始推動大學設立英語畢業門檻的政策。此政策本身及其衍生問題,一直廣受爭議,許多聲浪批評此政策浪費資源與造成學生「英語崇拜」的偏差態度。為了檢視此政策,本研究收集1,620 位參加「全民英檢」的大學生樣本,希望瞭解大學生對學校設立英語畢業門檻的態度,並進一步使用結構方程模式探討畢業門檻態度與英語學習動機、測驗焦慮、測驗價值和測驗表現間的複雜關係。結果顯示:(1)大學生普遍對英語畢業門檻抱持正向的態度。(2)大學生對英語畢業門檻的態度正向影響其學習動機、測驗價值,並有助於降低測驗焦慮。本研究結果有助於瞭解採用「全民英檢」或其他英語能力測驗作為英語畢業門檻對大學生的影響。 關鍵詞:大學英語畢業門檻 全民英檢 學習動機 Abstract Encouraged by the Ministry of Education, most universities in Taiwan have implemented an English graduation benchmark policy. However, the policy has been increasingly criticized for wasting resources and supporting a biased attitude known as English worship. As an attempt to critically

Glocalization in English language examinations: Aptis and GEPT comparison study

本文與 Rachel Yi-fen Wu、Jamie Dunlea 共同發表於2015年LTTC 國際學術研討會。 Wu, R. Y. F., Wu, J., and Dunlea, J. (2015). Glocalization in English language examinations: Aptis and GEPT comparison study. Paper presented at 2015 LTTC International Conference, Taipei. Abstract Glocalization is globalization mixed with local diversity, which illustrates the value of global uniformity while accounting for local differences. One well-known example of this concept is McDonalds, which creates specialized menus for different countries across the globe in order to attract the consumers in the region. However, we rarely find examples of glocalization in international English language examinations such as IELTS and TOEFL, despite the fact that each local examinations market differs uniquely in terms of culture, perceptions of and attitudes toward examinations, purposes of taking examinations, etc. It would be wrong for international examination providers to believe that an examination that works well in the

An exploratory study on the issues of EMI assessment in Taiwan

本文與Anita Chunwen Lin 共同發表於2015年第2屆AALA會議。 Wu, J. and Lin, A. (2015). An exploratory study on the issues of EMI assessment in Taiwan. Poster presented at 2nd Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA), Bangkok. Abstract Employing English as the medium of instruction (EMI) for academic subjects has become a global trend. EMI is increasingly being used in education across levels, which has important implications for educators and policy makers. Yet little empirical research has been conducted into EMI’s delivery and effect on teaching, learning, assessment, and teacher’s professional development (British Council, 2014). In Taiwan, EMI is increasingly being promoted at the tertiary level, and the aspect of examinations and assessment has been identified as an important issue by EMI teachers in Taiwan. To increase the effectiveness of EMI in Taiwan, it is desirable to establish a clearer picture of the current role of EMI assessment. As an initial attempt, the present study c

Constructing a common scale for a multi-level test to enhance interpretation of learning outcomes

本文與 Rachel Yi-fen Wu 共同發表於2015年第37屆LTRC(Language Testing and Research Colloquium)會議。 Wu, J. & Wu, R. Y. F. (2015). Constructing a common scale for a multi-level test to enhance interpretation of learning outcomes. Paper presented at the 37th Language Testing and Research Colloquium, Toronto, Canada. Abstract      A criterion-referenced test may contain multiple levels. When a learner takes a higher level of a given test, his or her progress cannot be measured by directly comparing the scores from two different levels. The General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), a five-level criterion-referenced EFL testing system, was developed with reference to the English curriculum in Taiwan. The GEPT is taken by more than 500,000 learners annually for various purposes, among which assessing learning outcomes is the most common. Recently, an increasing number of schools have begun to encourage their students with better English proficiency to take the GEPT at a higher level. Under thi

Invited talk at the Indigenous Languages Research and Development Center

原住民族語言研究發展中心「 CEFR 能力指標研習」 獲原住民族語言研究發展中心邀請,於今年(2017年)10月20日的「CEFR 能力指標研習」中提供專題演講,分享語言能力指標的訂定與運用。